Category Archives: ASTROLOGY


From the days human beings started to read and write, Astrology has played its part in the affairs of mankind predominantly, and its popularity persists even today. “Astrology” means ‘knowledge of the stars”. It is a by-product the subject now called astronomy. As such, astrology served in forecasting coming events. It is a Small wonder that people believed themselves to be controlled by the signs of the heavens when the courses of the stars and planets could be calculated to accurately.


New civilizations inherited astrology from the old. With it, the scope of the ancient science was extended. Birthstones were associated with the group of stars forming the signs of the zodiac. Metals were identified with planets; gold with the sun; silver with the moon and mercury, because of its elusive quality, with its namesake, Mercury. Everything mundane was interpreted astrologically.




December 22 – January 21

This is the scholarly, intellectual sign, producing deep thinkers and philosophers, yet with it, Capricorn people apply themselves to practical things. This helps them to shake off the gloomy moods caused by their governing planet, Saturn. As a result, Capricornians are generally regarded as extremists, though often they are simply striving to strike a proper balance.


These people are calm and deliberate in method and action. They approach new subjects in a scholarly fashion and instinctively try to increase their range of knowledge. They are good organizers as well as philosophers and they like to think things out alone. Here, they show the Saturnian love of solitude, which is good when practically applied, but should be avoided if it produces morbid trends.

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