Category Archives: VIBRATORY COLORS


RED is the most forcible of colors, with a constantly active urge. It does not necessarily denote a headstrong nature, despite such phrases as “seeing red,” for it may be cool and calculating as well as vigorous. People who like red are stalwart and their bravery is often evidenced. But if badly goaded, they may become vengeful. Analysts are therefore apt to regard this as a fiery color, Whereas it actually represents virility, so flare-ups by persons with red preference may result from normal experiences. Being challengers, they frequently have encounters with persons who are just as determined as themselves.


Red is the most popular of colors, and when we realize that it is greatly favored by primitive tribes and persons of low mentality, it is easy to see how it has mistakenly been regarded as a symbol of brute force. Actually, red is the most controllable of colors, so no one should hesitate to admit it as a preference.

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