In Aries, Mercury makes Mars unfavorable. It adds scheming ways to a keen, ambitious nature, tuning it to selfish interests.


In Taurus, Mercury retards Venus, often turning the sympathy of this sign into jealousy and intrigue. Natural abilities are generally quickened, sometimes in a helpful way.


In Gemini, Mercury accentuates all the characteristics of its own sign. This can be very dangerous unless modified by lesser influences.


In Cancer, Mercury and the Moon produce a quickening of the sign’s natural traits, often to disadvantage. Over-action defeats receptivity, resulting in an incompetent, unreliable nature. Though people of this sign are seldom schemers they may be swayed and used by others.


In Leo, Mercury and the Sun add quickness to the exuberance of Leo. An excellent combination, except when given to double-dealing or deceit.


In Virgo, Mercury has double strength, increasing the cleverness and analytical ability of this sign, while lessening its quality of imagination. Scheming tendencies must be curbed, as they are very marked under this double influence.


In Scorpio, Mercury and Mars are a bad combination, developing the negative and unscrupulous aspects of this sign. Self-control is strong, but is often used to further self-interest. Other planetary influences are needed to modify this combination.


In Sagittarius, Mercury enlivens Jupiter, producing an active, energetic sign. All good traits are strengthened, except for a tendency to jump to conclusions too quickly.


In Capricorn, Mercury and Saturn are bad. The intellect of this sign is often diverted to morbid, sordid channels and dangerous, unprofitable adventure.


In Aquarius, Mercury and Saturn somewhat counterbalance. Quickness and ease of accomplishment stress the lack of incentive so common to this sign. Honesty and scholarly urge usually control the deceptive ways of Mercury, giving insight to this sign.


In Pisces, Mercury combines well with Jupiter, overcoming the caution of Pisces and finding outlets for the abilities that are usually too latent in this sign. Jupiterian integrity controls the more wayward Mercury.

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