1.42 THE SUN

The SUN – Ruler of the sign Leo


This is the strongest of all planetary influences, so forceful that it can seldom be repressed, though its fine qualities may be neglected or dissipated.


Acquisition of knowledge and artistic achievement are keynotes of this influence. The Solarian nature is one that puts ideas into practice, often riding over all obstacles. Often, they are regarded as lucky, but that is because their inherent optimism will not allow them to accept temporary setbacks as failure.


Along with such attributes toward success, the Sun denotes a dignity of manner, integrity of nature, and loyalty to a cause. It carries the gift of good speaking and a magnetic personality, if effort is made toward their development. These are the positive aspects.


The weakness of this nature is found in the neglect of small things, or pressing for personal glory rather tam high achievement. Solarians should avoid becoming high-handed as well as high-minded. Pride, desire for domination, and general arrogance are the negative aspects.


Physically, the Solarian influence indicates a strong, virile appearance, with well-formed and sometimes handsome features; keen of eye and smiling in manner. The height of the well-developed Solarian should run average, with proportionately good physique.


The Sun directly activates the sign of Leo, providing the exuberance found in many persons born in that period; but the Solarian qualities can become dynamic wherever else they appear. The influence of the Sun is therefore favorable and should always be encouraged.

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