1.30 GEMINI Ruling Planet: Mercury


First Decan: May 20 – 29. Planets: Venus and Jupiter


The influence of Venus carries over into the cusp of this sign and is strongest during the first five days. Persons born at that time will find that their versatile Gemini natures are apt to become purposeless and indolent. They find sympathetic listeners for all their ideas and spend their time in planning things that may never work out. This leads to deceit and discouragement. Here, everything should be done to concentrate on a single purpose and take advantage of the self-discipline that comes from Jupiter, the planetary influence that forestalls failure.


Second Decan: May 30 – June 8. Planets: Mars and Venus


This is an aggressive period, wherein the versatile Gemini nature shows a powerful and unexpected drive, once the Martian influence is allowed to take over. It is strictly Gemini, but “Stepped up” to a high degree, which may reach the ruthless point. The quick, scheming ways of Mercury are hitched to the bulldozing tactics of Mars, with no more questions asked. Such effort, however, can be directed toward good instead of wasteful purposes. Here, the sympathetic understanding of Venus should be cultivated. The bigger and better the purpose, the more you should stick to it, avoiding distractions and unnecessary details.


Third Decan: June9 – 20. Planets: the Sun and Saturn


Gemini here has opportunity to combine its many talents toward one goal, with the Sun’s influence helping to make that purpose high. Saturn supplies knowledge and scholarly effort seldom found in the more fickle Gemini nature. But Saturn brings worry that can curb the Sun’s exuberance. If these two influences conflict, the individual will fall into the Gemini habit of switching to whatever comes along, good or bad. Ambitions will be frustrated and study will be wasted. These people should strive for the greatest things they can attain and they should avoid worry in the process.

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