This is the area in the center of the palm. The two directive influences controlling it are Upper and Lower Mars.


A high plain — good control of emotions, especially under argumentative or combat circumstances.


A flat plain — great restraint as a result of a negative attitude toward everything.


A hollow plain — fearful, nervous, need for cooperation from friends or family.





Signs and small markings add great interest to the interpretation of the palm. Usually they are an imperfect form such as an incomplete square or a two-sided triangle which looks like a dart. Their meanings vary depending upon location. The triangle is considered the best sign of luck. The cross, unlucky, except for the Mystic Cross, which consists of two lines fanning a cross in the area between the lines of head and heart. This denotes the natural instinct associated with powers of the supernatural. Squares are good. Grilles are bad. The following gives detailed traditional information.


Triangles on the mounts:


Jupiter — the diplomat, excellent leader.


Saturn — scholarly attributes.


Apollo – artistic success.


Mercury — the executive mind.


Luna — rare imaginative talent.


Venus — fortunate in love and marriage.


Mars – honors.


On the wrist — wealth through marriage or inheritance.


Triangles on the lines:


Life — eloquent speaker or glibness.


Head — unusual perceptive powers.


Heart — brilliant marriage alliance.


Fate (this includes lines of Saturn, Apollo, or Mercury) — great achievement.


Crosses on the mounts:


Jupiter — happy married life in spite of struggles.


Saturn — fatalistic attitude toward life.


Apollo – frustrations that mar success.

Mercury — deceptive.


Luna – exaggeration of abilities.


Venus — disappointment in love.


Mars — physical danger.


Crosses On the lines:


Life – illness or danger at that period.


Head — accident.


Fate – financial reverses due to some busing complication.


Crosses in the Plain of Mars – uneven temperament, quarrels some.


On the thumb or fingers — petty quarrels.


Stars on the mounts:


Jupiter — great honors.


Saturn — in a strong hand, the sober-minded scholar such as the historian, the high churchman; in the weak hand, tragic melancholia.


Apollo — celebrity.


Mercury — success.


Luna—remarkable imaginative talents.


Venus — great love.


Mars — bravery.


Stars on the lines:


Life – shock.


Head — accident. Whenever the star is on a line, there is a warning of danger pertaining to the meaning of that line.


Stars on thumb or fingers – a lucky streak or will power in some particular project.




Squares and rectangles are marks of protection or preservation.


On Venus or the life line — protection from unhappiness or some physical danger such as an accident or illness.


On the fate lines — an averted business or financial problem. Anywhere it appears, it supplies protective measures when most needed.




Grilles can be large or small, a simple crisscross or a dense mesh of mixed up lines. It must be a definite patch. Wherever it appears it magnifies the bad traits of the area or the line it touches.


On Jupiter – it destroys ambition.


On Saturn — morbid moodiness.


Apollo – utter abandonment of talents.


Mercury – deceitful, dishonest.


Luna — lack of concentration, dissipation.


Venus — maladjustment.




Islands indicate physical weakness on the life line and the hepatica.


Head line – periods of mental strain.


Heart line – illness or disappointments with loved ones.


Fate lines – reverses.

On the mounts an island detracts from the evaluation of the area.


Dots and Bars ace obstacles that detract or temporarily stop progress.


Circles are a hindrance except on the area of Apollo. There a circle signifies brilliant success.


A small vertical line adds ability to a given talent. Two or more vertical lines divide the energy. The person diverts ambition into too many channels. Two exceptions are: lines of reputation, on Apollo, adding to good fortune, and the medical stigmata, four parallel vertical lines on Mercury mount showing interest in medicine.


Horizontal lines diminish the valuation of the area. This is a nervous, scattering effort.


Diagonal lines on the mounts have the same interpretation as horizontals. They magnify the weakness of the area.

Similar lines on thumb and fingers exert the same influence, in a lesser degree relative to the nearest mount area.

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