RABBI: See Clergy.


To see a railroad with its winding tracks warns the dreamer of the many turns and intricacies that abound in every phase of life. Walking the railroad ties indicates the many steps ahead in any venture whether it be marriage or business. Walking the rails indicates a need to handle your affairs very carefully. See Plank, Train.


A summer shower of rain foretells prosperity, if the dreamer is watching it from indoors. If the dreamer is in the rain, slow up of plans. A very bad storm foretells confusion of ideas.


The rainbow portends happiness after many singular, unexpected events.


A dream of rape, one in which a woman is sexually attacked by a man, is considered, by some authorities, to be the expression of the subconscious desiring a fulfillment of sexual love contrary to the conscious wishes in the waking hours of the woman.


To dream that you are riding over or through rapids warns of negligence. See Riding.


A dream of a raspberry bush forebodes many temptations. Eating raspberries, by an old tradition, means gossip about the dreamer.


To dream of rats indicates deception that offends the dreamer. To kill a rat indicates that the dreamer wishes to be free from an alliance that involves passion and perhaps hatred.


To dream that you cut yourself with a razor portends unexpected troubles. To fight with a razor, many disappointments. See Knife.


Dreams of religion are natural to the devout, though pleas to the clergy take on the meaning of guilt or transgression with a subsequent desire for absolution or punishment. It is the subconscious performing against the willful waking mind of the dreamer, who thinks of breaking a law or has already committed a violation.


Reptiles in dreams are as dangerous as in real life. To see one snake denotes arguments. Two snakes warn that two friends or associates may deceive the dreamer. Various kinds and numbers of reptiles, convicting obstacles. Reptiles, especially the snake, are representative of the male reproductive organ. So it is argued that the snake in a dream is indicative of a man and his power.


To be dining in a restaurant means that the dreamer would like to be waited upon, to live in luxury. If you have guests, the desire for socialising is very strong, which, in turn, requires money.



To see ribbons floating gaily foretells a fine of relaxation and fun. If a girl dreams that she is wearing pretty bows she must not take flattery as a serious step toward marriage.


To see rice promises steadfast friends for the dreamer. To eat it, happiness and contentment. To see rice thrown at a bride and groom, a desire to mate. To cook rice, an omen of future wealth.


A dream of riding is considered unlucky. Sometimes associated with illness such as seasickness, the result of motion. All dreams of riding, flying, and climbing are rated as a desire for mating, the natural instinct of the sexes, however, they can be translated as motivation dreams that lead to companionship or a union of minds toward one purpose.


To receive a ring indicates the dreamer will find a new and devoted friend. A broken ring, separation from a loved one. To give a ring, a newly found interest. The ring betokens love and friendship; to the young, marriage.


A beautiful calm river foretells empty promises for the dreamer. If you are on a boat, make a careful checkup on your finances. A muddy river threatens jealousy.


A road lined with beautiful trees and shrubbery promises a delightful surprise. A rough road, new enterprises. If you are driving and lose your road, indecision that may terminate loss for the dreamer.


To be rocking in a rocking chair signifies joy and contentment for the dreamer. To see someone else in a rocker predicts unexpected bliss for the dreamer. Empty rocking chairs, sorrow or separation from a loved one or a termination of an agreement.


To be on top of a roof complete with garden and luxurious surroundings denotes a chance to achieve success. To be reaching for the roof while running or climbing, a struggle to reach your ambition. If you are building a roof, your income may be augmented through strenuous works.


To be locked in a room indicates fear to the dreamer. The room sometimes can be used as a symbol of a woman, so in turn the analyst must study the dream carefully.


A rooster in your dreams augurs advancement. To hear one crow, conceit. See Cock, Chickens.


To be hanging on to a rope indicates the dreamer concerned about a risky or extraordinary venture. To climb a rope, perplexing complications. To descend a rope, frustration. To tie ropes, a wish to rule other people. To jump rope, a physical need for excitement or a change.


Roses indicate love and admiration of a sweetheart for the dreamer. To gather roses, news of a marriage. White rose, illness for the dreamer or someone near.


Running usually indicates that the dreamer wishes advancement, an increase in earning power, or a better place in society. If the dreamer is running with others contests or festivities may be subconsciously latent in the dreamers mind. If the dreamer is running away from someone there is a fear of loss of money or a hatred for that someone.

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