


Ace: Pertains to one’s home and domestic happiness. Can signify visitors, change of residence, or word from members of the family. Often helpful but can indicate home problems.


King: A man of influence and good intentions. Generous and likable, but more hasty than wise. Not reliable as an adviser. Watch out for arguments and hot temper, as these are the indications.


Queen: A faithful, loving woman, often representing a trustful wife, or a man’s true love. In a woman’s fortune, this card looms as a potential rival, but always one who is kindly and plays fair.


Jack: Someone very close to the consultant; a bosom friend or confidant. Not necessarily a man, but usually a person of long-standing acquaintance, sometimes a childhood sweetheart or a school chum.


10: A highly favorable card, promising success and good luck to any project. Sometimes indicates a big surprise, always fortunate. It adds strength to good cards close by and counteracts bad ones.


9: A card of fulfillment promising harmony and success to projects indicated by accompanying cards. Often called the “wish card” that makes dreams come true. Bad cards with it mean temporary obstacles, sometimes serious.


8: The party card, presaging a happy occasion when all should “eat, drink, and be merry.” Generally, it refers to an event already anticipated or planned, so check the surrounding cards to see how they will help or harm it.


7: This is a card of false hopes and hasty promises. Never depend on other persons in plans influenced by this card, as they are always apt to change their minds. With bad cards you can expect anything, even outright enmity, so count on noting.


6: This shows weakness in the consultant, a warning that he may be easily imposed upon, particularly in ways indicated by accompanying cards. It signifies an overgenerous nature, or conniving associates.


5: A card of indecision. Inability of the consultant to make up his mind regarding specific subjects. Occasionally shows change in surroundings due to a desire to escape issues.


4: This is a “bachelor” or “old maid” sign, though often indicating a long-delayed or much-postponed marriage, sometimes as a result of a reconciliation. Due often to the consultant’s fussy disposition.


3: A card denoting hot-headed action on the part of the consultant. Impetuous, unwise decisions will threaten or spoil favorable enterprises and can produce disaster when other bad cards are present.


2: This is the success card, promising great fortune, often beyond all expectations. Bad cards will delay it and often force the consultant to consider other projects instead of those where obstacles appear.




Ace: This is the card of wealth, financial success, and with it, fame in a chosen profession. It is also an indication of many friends, all helpful to the consultant throughout life.


King: Represents an individual of consultant and valuable friendship. With a man, sometimes a rival but a generous one. With a woman, this man may be a relative or family friend, but always an honest, loyal and sincere adviser.


Queen: A kindly, lovable woman, sometimes temperamental but always true, whether in love or in friendship. To a man consultant, this card may indicate a wife; to a woman, a lifelong confidante.


Jack: A friend who will prove both generous and sincere. Not necessarily a man, this may represent any friend of either a male or female consultant. The card also indicates flattery but only when well-intended.


10: A very strong good luck card. It brings fortune from an unexpected source and sometimes promises a long, successful journey. A card of happiness, warding off any evil influences.


9: A real trouble card. If it brings gifts or rewards, the person may lose a friend as a result. Otherwise it means frequent disputes among friends that will cause harmful results. Ambition injured by obstinacy.


8: An overwhelming urge for money. A good token of friendship, if persons are independent, or a project offers sufficient gain for all. Otherwise friends will be sacrificed for profits. Denotes a person who Will gamble borrowed money with his own.


7: A card of great good luck provided there is no interference, particularly from the opposite sex. This card needs favorable ones accompanying it to insure its proper success.


6: This is the partnership card, a sure sign of successful business based on friendship. On any scheme indicated by accompanying cards, be sure to consult friends or seek their financial aid.


5: A marriage card usually represents marriage with a wealthy mate. In any case, it offers a prosperous future to both parties. Should be considered carefully in relation to other projects.


4: A danger card showing sudden misfortune or failure of a project. Watch out for false or inconstant friends. They may injure any good prospects otherwise indicated.


3: A sign of a second marrige and often of a third, with good prospects. Sometimes indicates a long engagement to one person followed by a marriage to someone else, after a friendly parting.


2: A card of direct opposition. Do not count on support from friends or business associates. They may be the ones who will oppose you. It takes a lone wolf to beat this card.




Ace: This card signifies an important message. it could be a letter, as indicated by an accompanying card. Or it may mean money or a gift, the latter sometimes in the form of an engagement ring.


King: A dangerous man. In business, often a ruthless competitor; in love, a bitter rival. With women, this card can mean a deceitful lover, or a bad-tempered husband.


Queen: A flirtatious woman, who will interfere in love and business, where a male consultant is concerned. Given to gossip and scandal where older women are concerned. Dangerous, attractive, and with very persuasive powers over the male sex.


Jack: A selfish person, usually a man. Sometimes a messenger bringing bad news. Occasionally a jealous relative or unreliable friend. Seldom dangerous to a male consultant, but bad toward women—except when good cards also appear.


10: This card means money—though you may not get it. It can indicate a journey, with money as the objective. It might also mean an unexpected marriage, usually with money involved.


9: A card of adventure, the wanderlust. Here, too, money is the objective. It may mean a necessity to move from one place to another, always in hope of advancement. Can be unexpected news regarding money, good or bad, according to the accompanying cards.


8: This card relates both to travel and a marriage late in life. Sometimes the two are closely associated, such as a journey resulting in a courtship. This card Indicates country life.


7: A card of bad aspects. It indicates the gambler, usually a heavy loser. It also concerns false rumors and unfair criticism. It can be regarded as bad luck with any enterprise or purpose.


6: This card denotes an early marriage. It also threatens an unhappy ending to such a marriage. It likewise bodes ill for a second marriage. The adjacent cards may reveal the reasons.


5: This is a card of prosperity in business or marriage perhaps both. With business, long, enduring friendship would be gained through honest transactions. With marriage, pride in family and children.


4: A quarrelsome card applying both to friendship and family. It shows forgotten or neglected friendships. In marriage, frequent a quarrels and interference from relatives.


3: This is a card of disputes and quarrels. It means disagreements in business, lawsuits. The same applies in the home, this being a sign of separation and perhaps divorce.


2: Here we have the token of a serious love affair; whether resulting in marriage or interfering in it, the other cards will determine. Certainly it will interfere in other matters indicated.




Ace: This is the card of misfortune sometimes termed the “Death card.” It does not always apply to the consultant but more generally refers to bad news, particularly tidings of death. It causes emotional conflicts in love, family, and friendship.


King: Represents an ambitious man who will prove dangerous, injuring business or marital relationships. For a woman consultant, this is a warning against a man who may prove to be worthless or incompatible, according to the nearby cards.


Queen: The card of a treacherous person, often a woman who is ruthless and cruel. With men, it is a warning against a “merry widow” type. With women, it means betrayal by a “very dear” friend.


Jack: This is the card of the “hanger-on. It shows a pretended friend, or a useless partner who may be sincere but is lazy and will hinder the consultant in any enterprise.


10: A very unlucky card. The best that can be said for it is that it merely nullifies good omens. When found with bad cards it doubles their misfortunes.


9: Regarded as the worst card in the pack. It Can mean illness, loss of money, or misery even amid the best of cards. Just hope for the best but don’t depend upon it in any project influenced by this card.


8: A card of opposition. False friends may become your enemies. Fortunately, most of the trouble predicted by this card can be avoided if its Warning is observed. Check all your affairs immediately.


7: Sorrow and quarrels revealed by this card, sometimes a combination of both. Avoid misunderstandings with friends and relatives; you may regret them later. Let things ride until bad luck rolls by.


6: This is the card of much planning and little result. It is associated with discouragements. Perseverance may triumph, however, unless accompanying cards are very bad. Frequently this card brings luck despite failure.


5: Business success and a happy marriage are both shown by this card, but they will be gained only after many reverses. The person may be overwhelmed and to easily discouraged, particularly if other odds are present.


4: Minor misfortunes. A short illness, temporary financial reverses, envy, and petty jealousy -one’s own or that of others—will retard any projects suggested by the surrounding cards.


3: This is an unhappy card. Often it designates misfortune in love or marriage. Such troubles must be forgotten or they will nullify all other good omens pertaining to the consultant.


2: This is an indication of complete change or separation. It may mean loss of home, a separation from loved ones, a departure to a distant land, or a death. Its effect on the accompanying cards is usually very marked.

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