Category Archives: ASTROLOGY




June 20 to 27


Because of Gemini and its ruler, Mercury, there is a desire here to take up new projects and switch occupations, which can greatly influence the restless nature of Cancer, with its own conflicts and contrasts. With the Moon in the ascendant, this period needs stability. Oddly, however, the flashback to Gemini provides it in a way.


People born in this cusp become extremely active during the daytime and all other working hours, thus overcoming their restlessness at night. Their strong sense of conservatism also restrains them from taking on unwise or questionable enterprises, a usual Mercurian fault. These people just won’t gamble or take undue risks beyond a well-defined point.




GEMINI May 19 to 26


The firm-set Taurian nature with Venus in control acts as a counterbalance to the activity of Mercury with its quick, Mercurian ways. The desire to try new things is in the ascendant because of Gemini, but there is an inherent reluctance to give up the old, a carry-over from Taurus. This is a factor toward stability.


However, too much of this can hamper the Gemini nature. It may mean trying to do two things at once, to the detriment of both. It also can make a person stubborn about lesser things, even when he knows very little about them. Self-control is strongly needed, and once acquired, it will enable the individual to correct another lack, that of concentration, which is essential to this highly adaptable but somewhat contradictory type.

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