Category Archives: ASTROLOGY




September 21 to 29


The shrewd, quick ruling force of Mercury and the analytical sign of Virgo have a marked influence that carries through this period, giving a sharp perception to the Libra nature, which with its governing planet, Venus, is impressionistic and relies on judgment rather than analysis. Generally considered, it is a fine combination, giving Libra the elements that it needs most. It is largely a case of studying the faults of Virgo and guarding against them, as the sharper Mercury may prove injurious to the softer, more understanding qualities of Venus.




July 22 to 29


Here, exuberant Leo, with its powerful governing influence, the Sun, takes almost full control over uncertain Cancer with its trickery, fickle governor, the Moon. But the lesser force is present and can evidence itself, just as die Moon occasionally eclipses the Sun.


People born at this time should regard themselves as Leo subjects, striving to shake off any lunar weaknesses that may prove to be their undoing. If they become retrospective, they should consider the past and its traditions purely as a guide toward a greater future. If they are moody, they should snap from it and think in terms of ambition. When they become sympathetic to suffering, they should take immediate steps to better the condition of such persons.

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