Category Archives: ASTROLOGY


Ruler of the signs Sagittarius and Pisces


This is perhaps the finest and most beneficial of all planetary influences. Though it lacks the inspiration of the Sun, it more than makes up for it in a practical way. People swayed by this influence are friendly and generous, appreciative of others and therefore cooperative.


Sincerity and sympathy go into the Jupiterian nature. Hence they are honest, charitable, impelled by high ideals. They have open minds and are always ready to take up a worthwhile cause. This automatically makes them popular, and their very frankness often makes them wonder why they are so well liked. Such are the positive aspects of Jupiter.

1.44 MARS

MARS – Ruler of the signs Aries and Scorpio


Physical drive and energy are basic in the planetary influence of Mars. There is no stopping the Martian nature, which can be brave to the point of becoming foolhardy, unless tempered by other influences. It gives aggressiveness to the signs where it predominates: Aries and Scorpio.


Fortunately, the Martian influence can be diverted. With it, attainment of an immediate goal is so important that other purposes can be shelved. Here is a fighting instinct that knocks down all obstacles, small and large. Keep them small when they do not matter; large, when they are important, and you have the ultimate in Martian development.

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