Ruler of the signs Sagittarius and Pisces


This is perhaps the finest and most beneficial of all planetary influences. Though it lacks the inspiration of the Sun, it more than makes up for it in a practical way. People swayed by this influence are friendly and generous, appreciative of others and therefore cooperative.


Sincerity and sympathy go into the Jupiterian nature. Hence they are honest, charitable, impelled by high ideals. They have open minds and are always ready to take up a worthwhile cause. This automatically makes them popular, and their very frankness often makes them wonder why they are so well liked. Such are the positive aspects of Jupiter.


It would seem that a nature so influenced would be free from all faults, but such is not the case. With a Jupiterian, natural generosity leads to extravagance. Since Jupiterians like people, they in turn like to be liked. Hence they are easily influenced and will waste their ability as well as their resources in futile, worthless efforts. They become careless both of themselves and of their future.


Wastefulness is therefore the negative aspect of the Jupiterian nature. Recognition of this can lead to simple yet vital ways of correcting the fault; but often, other planetary influences are needed to insure such a result. By all means, Jupiterians must avoid the pitfalls of less fortunate influences, for in itself Jupiter is highly favorable.


In physical appearance, the highly developed Jupiterian is strong, personable, and often handsome. Jupiterians are often tall or rugged of physique. In every case, the Jupiterian influence produces a cheerful, winning personality, capable of great development.


Jupiter controls the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, giving wisdom and integrity to each, provided of course that wasteful ways are avoided In all cases, the Jupiterian influence is regarded as highly favorable.

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