Category Archives: ASTROLOGY




September 23 to October 22

This is the sign of justice, indicative of persons who balance everything to a nicety, always trying to promote good will and friendship, even if they must go to extremes to do so. This is actuated by their inherent love of harmony and beauty, as reflected by the beneficent gleam of the signs ruling planet, Venus.


Sympathy and understanding are paramount with Venus. They are never deaf to an appeal from family or friends and they will often side with total strangers if they seem to represent a deserving cause. The Libra person tends to champion the underdog, even against their sounder judgment. Again this seems due to their urge to equalize matters and produce harmony.


VIRGO – VIRGIN August 22 to September 22


This is the sign of analysis. Under it are found some of the most capable and yet most difficult personalities in the entire zodiac. The governing planet, Mercury, may be the cause of this, for it supplies quickness to a nature which could well afford to be more deliberate and given to deeper purposes. Added to the keen Virgo mind, it produces good reasoners and conducing talkers, though they are apt to spend too much time over trifling details and also to talk a subject dry.


Virgo people have inquiring minds that will not rest until they have leaked all they want to know bout something. They are skilled at drawing information from people, then filling in from other sources or rationalizing facts into a complete and remarkably accurate picture. Often they pick up essential data without anyone realizing what they are about

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