
December 22 – January 21

This is the scholarly, intellectual sign, producing deep thinkers and philosophers, yet with it, Capricorn people apply themselves to practical things. This helps them to shake off the gloomy moods caused by their governing planet, Saturn. As a result, Capricornians are generally regarded as extremists, though often they are simply striving to strike a proper balance.


These people are calm and deliberate in method and action. They approach new subjects in a scholarly fashion and instinctively try to increase their range of knowledge. They are good organizers as well as philosophers and they like to think things out alone. Here, they show the Saturnian love of solitude, which is good when practically applied, but should be avoided if it produces morbid trends.


Capricornians have something resembling a psychic sense and are often quite aware of it. Fear of ridicule often curtails their expression of their views, making them secretive, but in a defensive way. They take a dark view of many projects, feeling that they are too difficult; this, in turn, causes Capricornians to shun the world and seek solitude.


To the practical philosophy of Capricorn, nothing succeeds like success. They are inspired by appreciation and advancement. Once fully self-reliant, they will fight for further success along a chosen or recognized line. Opposition and criticism worry them; and they must learn to meet such challenges through patience and perseverance.


Capricornians need encouragement early in life, so as to gain confidence and develop their genial and witty qualities. The more gregarious they become, the more diversified and practical their interests, the better they can elude the ever-haunting factors of gloom and despair.


Intellectual Capricornians who fail to broaden their views or accept the more practical side of life, are apt to become morose and give themselves over to reckless dissipation. Those who fail to develop their studious qualities at all and who have no benefit of early cultural training may become utterly despondent and totally unable to combat adverse conditions.


Self-interest is strong in Capricorn, for these people are used to finding their own way; but those who are well developed are by no means selfish. Fear of the future often makes them economical, but they share their possessions with others, some times too generously. Once a gloomy mood has passed, a Capricorn person often manages to forget it. Their desire for success is usually so determined that it rouses petty jealousy on the part of others. Capricornians do not fall victims to despair, they can outlast their problems and overcome all limitations, becoming true optimists.


In business, people of this sign are good managers, superintendents, bookkeepers, and accountants. Their practical foresight makes them good financiers. They succeed in many professions, as lecturers, teachers, and lawyers, to name a few. They usually evidence strong literary qualifcations.


Capricorn and Sagittarius may make exceptional business partners, combining foresight with impulse. Capricorn finds good business associates in Taurus or Virgo. Capricorn and Aquarius do well, provided Aquarius does not hold Capricorn back. The same applies with Capricorn and Cancer, a combination that is pleasant, but apt to fail through Cancer’s timidity.


16 marriage Capricorn probably does best with Virgo, though Capricorn and Taurus may prove an equally fine combination. Capricorn and Aries also promise good marital prospects. All three of those signs have qualities which are helpful to Capricorn’s changing moods.

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