Monthly Archives: March 2019



The art of “Scrying,” which includes crystal gazing, dates back to antiquity. Blobs of ink, opaque mirrors, bowls of water, and even flames have been used to induce visions of a supposedly clairvoyant nature. Sometimes these visions are spontaneous; in one instance, a woman viewed the enactment of a distant crime in a glass of water that happened to be at her bedside. Other persons have seen visions by simply staring into a water bottle. But it is generally agreed that a crystal ball is the best implement for the development of such imagery.



This is truly a step beyond, in tapping the subconscious. The operator takes a pencil in hand and lets it inscribe messages or even drawings on a sheet of paper. Very remarkable information, pertaining to past, present, and future has been obtained through such a procedure. Often, the integrity of the operator is unquestioned, though skeptics have often cast doubt as to the value of the revelations.

The most remarkable feature of automatic writing is that it often lives up to the term “automatic.” A gifted person may keep on writing lengthy dissertations, even the manuscripts of entire books, long after they should have tired physically. The hand of the operator seems to be actuated by an outside force, making the results all the more impressive.

Unquestionably, automatic writing is an important study in the newly developed field of parapsychology. The same applies to:CRYSTAL GAZING.

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