
Practically a straight line running from forehead down to chin, with its midpoint at the base of the nose, which naturally protrudes beyond the line, but should be of average size to conform with the vertical effect of this profile.

This represents the calm, deliberate person who weighs his speech and decisions. These people demand the reasons behind everything and then come to their own conclusions, which are usually well-formed and firmly set, though they will listen to arguments to the contrary. They believe in seeing all enterprises through to the end, for the simple reason that they never embark upon anything without due reason. However, they will drop doubtful projects in favor of something better, because they are always looking for the best. They will seldom admit failure and they will insist upon thinking things over before giving a final answer. Whatever they propose, they will stick with it.


Practically a straight line from hairline down to eyebrows. Shows careful observation and cool deliberation. Ability at concentration, always with the aim of thorough understanding before coming to a final decision. Sometimes slow in thinking, but exacting in detail. THE CONVEX PROFILE THE CONVEX PROFILE

So-called because it forms an outward semicircle, or convex curve, consisting of frontward sloping forehead, pointed nose, strong upper lip and receding chin.

Such a profile signifies a quick mind, interested in quick results and therefore one

that concentrates on practical things. This leads to enthusiasm that often borders on impatience. Glib salesmen are found in this category along with fast-talking comedians. Sharp of wit, eager for action, these people naturally do not go for sustained effort, but prefer to accomplish one thing and get on with the next. They are intense; but they are not good listeners – one reason being that they are such great talkers.

Analyzed separately, these features run as follows:


Slanted sharply forward, with strongest development above the eyebrow. Quick observation, with power of immediate retention. Nothing escapes the notice of such persons. They are often avid readers.


Extended somewhat past the cheek; often noticeable because of its bulge. The sign of the smooth talker, sometimes repetitious, but prompt at repartee. Can out-talk anyone, with ad-lib answers for all arguments.


Long, sometimes high-bridged or pointed; sometimes both. Shows vigor and the demand for quick results. Little waste of time in argument; these people go after what they want and forget all objections. This is the prying nose that gets in everyone else’s business.

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