Monthly Archives: March 2019



Teacup reading is one of the simplest and most entertaining forms of divination. It allows great play of the imagination and so-called “hunches.” The reader must interpret the shapes or forms that are made by tea leaves that remain after the tea has been drunk. The preparation of the cup and the meaning of the symbols are as follows.

The cup must be very wide at the top, the sides must slant, the bottom not be too small. A white cup is preferred, but any pastel, undecorated cup will do.

The best results are obtained from China tea or a very good grade of tea that has a minimum of tea dust. Tea should be brewed in a teapot without a strainer, obviously to pour sufficient leaves into the cup for a reading.

The person whose fortune is to be read must drink the tea, leaving a little in the bottom A the cup. Then, with the left hand, take hold of the handle and slowly move the cup around from left to right, three times. This should distribute the tea leaves around the sides of the cup, sometimes reaching the rim, and still have a few on the bottom.

Time is differentiated by the parts of the cup. The rim represents the present or things that may happen within a few days or weeks. The sides predict the future. The bottom augurs the very distant future.



Aeromancy is the art of foretelling the future by the observation of atmospheric, air or sky phenomena. This goes beyond the range of weather prognostications, concentrating in such things as wind currents, cloud shape and formation, comets and falling stars, spectral formations, and other phenomena which are not normally seen or visible in the heavens. Even today such visions cause speculation and sometimes consternation among human viewers.

Some of the different forms of Aeromancy:

1.AUSTROMANCY, divination by observing the wind. ANEMOSCOPY is austromancy in which the wind direction and intensity is interpreted, whereas NEPHOMANCY is divination by the interpretation of the movement of clouds.

2.CERAUNOSCOPY, divination by the interpretation of thunder and lightning.

3.CHAOMANCY, divination by aerial visions, is nearly synonymous with aeromancy, but most often refers to NEPHOMANCY or COMETOMANCY, divination by the appearance of comet tails.

4.METEORMANCY, divination by meteors and shooting stars.

MODERN AEROMANCY – Some forms of modern aeromancy have taken a more introspective turn than their historical counterparts. For instance, modern nephomancy is a receptive, almost meditative process, by which a person is said to be able to examine their unconscious. The nephomancer studies the clouds, whose formations are random and constantly changing. The images and symbols the diviner picks out from the chaos are believed to have some sort of significance to the diviner, so long as he applies his own personal interpretations to the symbols, rather than those written or spoken about by another.




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