Monthly Archives: February 2019


10.32 LINES OF INFLUENCE         ************************                                   (also called rays of influence)

These are lines that start on the mount area of Venus and cut through the life line. It refers to someone in the family or a close friend who has great influence at the time indicated on the life line. If it reaches the line of Saturn, a liaison or marriage. To the line of Apollo, an influence on the career. To the line of affection on mount of Mercury, unhappiness in marriage. To mount of Jupiter, assistance for fulfillment of ambition. If mount of Venus is low, irritation can be overwhelming.

The escape line is a single strong line starting from the mount area of Venus extending to the area of Luna. It is what it says, a way of escape from self or problems, leading to drug addiction, actually running away from responsibilities, or obsessed by sexual perversion. Frays, signs or breaks only magnify the awful situation.

Family lines are small curved lines that run parallel to the life line within the Venus area. They are not part of the line of Mars, which is a sister line and strengthener to the life line. The small lines represent family and friends who help morally or financially; their advice is helpful.


10.31 THE LINES OF AFFECTION     ****************************                               (lines of union)

The lines of affection, sometimes called the lines of union, are also known as the lines of marriage. They are located on the side of the hand under the little finger on the area called the mount of Mercury, running parallel to the heart line. There may be one, two, three, or more. They represent love affairs, marriages, and marital complications. Usually there is one line that is more clearly marked and longer than the others, denoting a marriage or the most important attachment.

A straight clear long line — a good marriage with happiness and contentment.

If it continues to the line of Apollo — an exceptionally brilliant alliance for husband and wife promising fame and wealth.

If it cuts through — misfortune and unhappiness.

If the line slopes downward — the mate will be the first to die.

If the line turns upward — no marriage, or a frustration that causes disappointment.

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