Monthly Archives: May 2014




September 21 to 29


The shrewd, quick ruling force of Mercury and the analytical sign of Virgo have a marked influence that carries through this period, giving a sharp perception to the Libra nature, which with its governing planet, Venus, is impressionistic and relies on judgment rather than analysis. Generally considered, it is a fine combination, giving Libra the elements that it needs most. It is largely a case of studying the faults of Virgo and guarding against them, as the sharper Mercury may prove injurious to the softer, more understanding qualities of Venus.

1.20 LEO – VIRGO



August 21 to 28


Exuberance, indicated by Leo’s ruler, the Sun, combines with the quickness that Mercury applies to Virgo’s analytical ability. The result is an intuitive nature, wherein the Sun brings Out the favorable side of Mercury while Virgo’s harmony counteracts Leo’s chief weakness, indolence.


Virgo’s curiosity is tempered by Leo’s sympathy, keeping these people open and above-board in their dealings; but they can suffer through their own self-importance. The more their good points, the quicker they recognize them through their ability at self-analysis, and their egotism is apt to swell proportionately. The fact that it is justified only makes it worse for them, if it arouses the animosity and jealousy of others.

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