Monthly Archives: May 2014




November 20 to 28


The boldness of Scorpio with its aggressive ruler, Mars, is helpful indeed to the active, versatile nature of Sagittarius, with the highly magnetic qualities gained from its governing planet, Jupiter. Here are people who can accomplish the most difficult things and meet almost any emergency.


The Sagittarian zeal offsets any procrastination from Scorpio, producing a strength of purpose and accomplishment that seems far beyond them. They are frank and open-minded, perhaps too much so, but they usually manage to curb their ego to the simple point of self-satisfaction over true accomplishment.




October 21 to 29


The fair judgment of Libra, with its sympathetic ruler, Venus, adds intuition to the cool, precise skill of Scorpio with its aggressive governor, Mars. The result is a very remarkable combination if care is taken in its development. Along with the Libra craving for excitement, there is the bold, pleasures seeking Scorpio mind, strong in self-control and determination, ready to carry into action whatever seems worthwhile.


The ability to turn ideas into accomplishment often produces a marked egotism among people of this period, which is all the more reason why they should seek higher things in culture, education, and social life. Whatever they achieve, they cling to with tenacity, so the undeveloped Scorpio with a Libra background may become narrow-minded and unscrupulous. They are easily flattered, especially by popular acclaim, and flare anger toward those who oppose their schemes.

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