Monthly Archives: May 2014


1.29 TARUS: Ruling Planet: Venus


First Decan: April 20 – 29. Planets: Mercury and Mars


The natural sympathy of this period is roused to quickness and over-activity which can lead to worry and dissatisfaction. Trivial matters and immediate aims can disturb the romantic side of the individual nature. The Martian trend is responsible for angry moods that are disturbing to the normal trend. Be tactful, rather than aggressive.


1.28 ARIES: Ruling Planet: Mars


First Decan: March 21 – 30. Planets: Mars and Jupiter


Aries, as the fiery head of the zodiac, begins with its own planet, Mars, as the prime influence of the first decan. This means simply that persons born in this period will have the firm, assertive disposition that marks the Martian drive. The influence of Jupiter a carry-over from the previous sign, adds brilliance to the Arian nature; but any trend toward triviality will weaken this. Here is a fearless nature that should guard against becoming too headstrong.


Second Decan: March 31—April 9. Planet: the Sun


Here is an excellent combination, with the Sun supplying generosity, nobility, and leadership to the aggressiveness of the Martian temperament. Negative factors are the only problem. The dignity and magnetic qualities of the Sun may give way to vainglory, if the aggressive Martian nature is allowed to rule.

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