
Study of frontal features forms a valuable adjunct to physiognomy, as lesser observations corroborate the more important findings and sometimes supply distinct points of their own.

These run as follows:


When high, this denotes a strongly mental type; if wide, a tendency toward theory and philosophy, hence the expression “high-brow.” High but narrow, an analytical scientific mind. When low, it shows a practical, direct nature, given more to action than to theory hence the expression “low-brow.” Most foreheads are between these extremes, so hey can be gauged proportionately.


If heavy or bushy, an intense, strong nature, but inclined to domineer and become blunt in manner. If light or pencil-thin, they show a fastidious but sometimes fussy nature.

When wide apart the eyebrows show adaptability, but indicate that the person is easily influenced. Close together, of the “Beetle” type, they show nervous energy often coupled with emotional outbursts.

Straight eyebrows mark an alert, active nature, while curved eyebrows show a more inquiring type. Downward slopes show petulance or resignation; upward, considerable ambition. A double curve connotes artfulness; while arched eyebrows indicate an imaginative nature. THE CONCAVE PROFILE THE CONCAVE PROFILE

This follows a slight but noticeable inward curve from the bulge of the forehead to the point of the chin, both of which must be prominent to show the fully concave profile. Similarly, the base of the nose must form the innermost segment of the constant curve. The nose itself should not be too prominent in the the concave pattern.

Here is the person who is careful both in manner and speech, always weighing matters before coming to a decision and then always expressing a reserved opinion. Sometimes, such a nature seems deeper than it really is, and such people, though outwardly satisfied with conditions or contented with circumstances, may be brooding inwardly. In short, their seeming concern with important matters may be nothing more than annoyance over trivialities. They absorb what they see or hear and remember most of it, so if they can override inward dissatisfaction and morbid trends, they can accumulate ideas and put them to a practical use. They can prove themselves loyal and long-lasting friends, helpful in times of trouble and capable in emergency.


Actually, this is a bulging forehead, which could be termed “convex” in its own right, but must be classed as “concave” in relationship to the over-all profile. It is the mark of the listener, who reasons out everything before making a decision. A thinker, but not necessarily a deep one, as such persons may form false conclusions.

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