
Study of frontal features forms a valuable adjunct to physiognomy, as lesser observations corroborate the more important findings and sometimes supply distinct points of their own.

These run as follows:


When high, this denotes a strongly mental type; if wide, a tendency toward theory and philosophy, hence the expression “high-brow.” High but narrow, an analytical scientific mind. When low, it shows a practical, direct nature, given more to action than to theory hence the expression “low-brow.” Most foreheads are between these extremes, so hey can be gauged proportionately.


If heavy or bushy, an intense, strong nature, but inclined to domineer and become blunt in manner. If light or pencil-thin, they show a fastidious but sometimes fussy nature.

When wide apart the eyebrows show adaptability, but indicate that the person is easily influenced. Close together, of the “Beetle” type, they show nervous energy often coupled with emotional outbursts.

Straight eyebrows mark an alert, active nature, while curved eyebrows show a more inquiring type. Downward slopes show petulance or resignation; upward, considerable ambition. A double curve connotes artfulness; while arched eyebrows indicate an imaginative nature.


when roundish, show a trustful, often naive person. Oval in shape, good humor, yet with a canny outlook and readiness to believe rumors. Slanted eyes symbolize a secretive, self-sufficient disposition.


show a friendly, confiding person. If partly hidden by the upper lids, a scheming nature tinged with envy. If partly hidden by lower lids, an unyielding, sometimes harsh disposition. Narrowed lids go with a keen, retentive observer, often suspicious and inclined to misgivings.


indicates a broad-minded person, but one inclined to believe that he is always right. Narrowness between denotes a small nature, often given to trifles, but with a strict sense of responsibility.

Vertical lines between the eyes are interpreted to mean: one line, a person with a single aim, who dislikes interruptions; two lines, a changeable nature, shifting from practice to theory, always trying to balance up; three lines, the mark of the practical idealist, accepting work and responsibility for their own sake, four lines (or more), a person given to many interests.


If large, an aggressive nature, with a liking for worldly things. Small, a quiet, unassuming disposition. A thin nose shows a nervous type, easily annoyed; a wide nose, a boisterous, exuberant, and often careless nature. A long nose betokens a careful, worried disposition; a short nose, a cheery person who may ignore consequences.


If large, a liberal, sometimes extravagant nature; small, a selfish, even penurious sign. Large lips, a love of pleasure and excitement. Narrow lips, lack of emotion or enthusiasm. Straight lips represent self-control; curved lips, a changeable, unpredictable temperament. Upward-curving features, observable chiefly by the lips, are naturally a happy sign, while downward curves show moodiness or discontent.


If long, shows a resistant nature that will not give in. If short, a changeable person who will switch to other things if thwarted. A pointed chin is the sign of a quick, keen nature; a blunt chin, a person slow in decision. A cleft chin shows a self-centered individual, who is outwardly gracious and highly sociable, but is strongly intent on personal gain. A double chin indicates an amiable but indulgent nature.

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