Category Archives: PHYSIOGNOMY



Width – or narrowness – of the head can be effectively gauged from the back and the resultant findings applied to the types just listed.

An average, well-balanced head – which can be judged by its proportions — usually shows a general conformity to the types as given. This width is measured on a cross line just above the ears, which corresponds approximately to the temples, when noted in a front view.

Wideness shows an energetic mind and is something of the mark of the extrovert, who is anxious to enter into many affairs.

With Type A, round, this accentuates the natural aggressiveness of the individual, particularly when the wide head is proportionately low. It shows a querulous disposition; a habitual annoyance over small things.

With Type B, square, width combined with squareness produces a challenging disposition. Antagonism towards any suggestions may result.

With Type C, pointed, wideness usually broadens the individual’s outlook, enabling him to drop the superficial attitude common to the pointed head.



These are best gauged by studying the back of the head, to gain a different perspective than the facial outlines. Often, it is possible to obtain an inkling of a person’s individuality from a brief and distant back view; hence, although this is no more than an index to very general traits, it is valuable nonetheless.

For convenience, head shapes can be classified in three simple groups:

Type A: This is a semicircular type, following an even, well proportioned curve. It shows an impulsive, sometimes aggressive nature, with a willingness to take chances. This may be attributed in some degree to confidence in one’s own knowledge or ability, which in turn means a lack of worry over consequences. This is a head shape common to men who handle big business matters.

Type B: This is a squarish or flattish type, block-shaped and therefore rugged. It symbolizes caution, which is sometimes classed as obstinacy. It also represents deliberation, which may be mistaken for indecision. But these actually add up to dependability. Once anyone of this type makes up his mind to a purpose, he almost always acts firmly and efficiently.

Type C: This is a pointed type, sometimes classed as egg-shaped. It shows intuition, with ability to chart a course according to circumstances and conditions, rather than following any fixed policy. Here we find a diplomatic nature, though persons of this type will also rise forcefully to an occasion when they feel they are right. They are apt to accept artificial standards and govern their actions accordingly; hence they frequently stress their self-importance.

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