Monthly Archives: May 2014




When John Hancock boldly affixed his signature to the Declaration of Independence, he was taking a great risk and he knew it. He was joining a cause that was desperate in its own right, the American Revolution. But he could not have picked a better day to attune himself to the tempo of the times.


John Hancock was born on January 23, 1737. Its figures total 24 = 6, giving the birth number 6, the natural type to encourage confidence in his companions. The figures in his full name total 48 = 12 = 3, so his name number stressed his versatility and capability. The Declaration of Independence was officially announced on July 4, 1776, which adds up to 32 = 5, producing the date vibration 5.


Those vital numbers add to 6 + 3 + 5 = 14 = 5. This shows daring, uncertainty, but with it the will to win, no matter how prolonged the struggle. That was the vibratory influence, 5, that inspired John Hancock on that day.


If Napoleon had studied numerology, he would have made the greatest decision in his career; one that could have changed history. He would have avoided the Battle of Waterloo, scene of his final defeat. Here is what the figures show:


Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769, which totals 37 = 10 = 1. The letters in his name add up to 38 = 11 = 2. The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815, which totals to 30 = 3. Add birth number, name number, battle date, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. That is the number of good will and harmony, when all conflict should be avoided.


Wellington, the opposing general, was born on April 29, 1769. This adds up to 38 = 11 = 2. The letters in his name total 50 = 5. Add Wellington’s birth number, name number, and the battle date, 2 + 5 + 3 = 10 = 1. That is the number of decisive action, that praises the attainment of an immediate purpose.


No wonder Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo to Wellington. But numerology held the answer before it became history!




1. A day for definite, direct action, with a single purpose. The time for attack upon any problem which must be settled a immediately and effectively as possible. A good time to seek advance or to start something new, provided it is of a practical nature. Contracts, legal matters, and business propositions can be handled effectively during this vibratory period, but only if a simple plan or prompt decision is feasible. Nothing complex or evasive should be considered on a day that shows this vibratory combination. It stands for opportunity.


2. A day for planning, for weighing problems, and often for making a decision, though it should not ordinarily be put into immediate action. Here, in harmonizing, the numbers produce negative aspects, and anyone who tries to meet difficulties head on will be swayed by indecision. This is a day of contrast that may start badly and end well; or vice versa. It teems with contrasts, so that good results are often offset by disappointments. It is better to sit back and let others carry the ball or wear themselves out on such a day. It may be their day, but it certainly is not yours, except to the extent that you can work out things calmly and to your own satisfaction.

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