
1. A day for definite, direct action, with a single purpose. The time for attack upon any problem which must be settled a immediately and effectively as possible. A good time to seek advance or to start something new, provided it is of a practical nature. Contracts, legal matters, and business propositions can be handled effectively during this vibratory period, but only if a simple plan or prompt decision is feasible. Nothing complex or evasive should be considered on a day that shows this vibratory combination. It stands for opportunity.


2. A day for planning, for weighing problems, and often for making a decision, though it should not ordinarily be put into immediate action. Here, in harmonizing, the numbers produce negative aspects, and anyone who tries to meet difficulties head on will be swayed by indecision. This is a day of contrast that may start badly and end well; or vice versa. It teems with contrasts, so that good results are often offset by disappointments. It is better to sit back and let others carry the ball or wear themselves out on such a day. It may be their day, but it certainly is not yours, except to the extent that you can work out things calmly and to your own satisfaction.


3. A day that offers varied action, when many things can be accomplished. Business can be combined with recreation under these vibratory conditions. Various projects can be started, work allocated, and cooperation gained. It is not the time for concentrating on a single purpose; to do so may mean neglecting others. Troublesome tasks come easily on such a day; often, problems can be ended by quick, friendly decisions. It is a good day for meeting people, for travel and most of all, for fun.


4. A day for handling routine matters and finishing up small jobs in a methodical way. No time for a trip to the racetrack; it would be better to stay home and concentrate on “do it yourself” projects. Similarly, visits to the golf course or a bowling alley may give you ups and downs where their respective scores are concerned. Fun and four just don’t mix. Anyone trying to enjoy himself under this vibratory condition will often begin to worry about the practical things he should be doing instead. A hard, persistent worker likes this type of day. Others find it dull, so when there are unpleasant things to do, this is the time. But nothing very important should be attempted and all speculation should be avoided.


5. A day to expect the unexpected. It teems with vigor, excitement, and adventure. But don’t get overeager with wild ideas, as they can backfire under these conditions. In taking risks, make sure they have some merit, for all other things being equal, they are apt to swing to a person’s advantage at this time. New projects or travel may beckon, but make sure such things have some purpose – not just the desire to sever old connections or to be free and footloose. Avoidance of unnecessary chances is often doubly wise, because this is a day when things may come to you, such as long-hoped-for success, or any results that are overdue. If you must take a chance, this is the day, but be sure the goal is worth it.


6. A day for good will and understanding. Ease, comfort, and harmony combine in this vibration. This is not a day for quick or direct action. It is not suited for new enterprise, excitement, or the acceptance of a challenge. It is a day for establishment, a time for business conferences, social meetings, consideration of friends and families, and the furthering of diplomatic missions, provided that none of these involve conflict. That is the important thing to avoid, as uncertainty can be ruinous; and any risk, deadly. This is a day of culmination, but only of those things that have been long and properly planned.


7. A day for meditation upon the deeper things of life. Good for study, research, inventive effort, and application toward higher or artistic subjects. Worry, moodiness, or morbid thoughts should be avoided at such a time, but these cannot be banished through merely superficial action. This is a day to think things out, to plan affairs which have already been dicided upon but need further consideration; a good day to seek advice or to consult with persons whose opinions are truly worthwhile. Strange things can happen on a day like this, for the combined numbers add up to mystery. So ‘Hunches’ can be played, if they pertain to more important things. Often this is a “lucly” day.


8. A day for big things. Under this vibration, broad, sweeping action may bring results. Complex matters can be handled and solved as readily as simple ones; in fact, it may be wasting time to deal with small or immediate problems unless they are stumbling blocks to something bigger. In that case, the small can be swept along with the large. This vibration is attuned to finance; it is suited to solid investment, company mergers, the launching of advertising campaigns. Anything pertaining to constructive effort is at its best; and the larger the undertaking, the better.


9. A day that promises grand achievement. Do not depend on it, however, as often the vibratory combination is greater than any opportunity at hand. But it is always a good time to present attractive propositions, to announce important plans, or to make strong contacts. It is a day that promises personal triumph or the attainment of ambition, more often in artistic or competitive fields than in commercial undertakings, though the latter may be benefited thereby. Aim for the biggest things in sight when the vibratory combination totals 9!

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