Monthly Archives: May 2014




So many books have been written about “Indian Numerology,” but we are going to deal with “Western Numerology.”


Although numerology has gained most of its present popularity within comparatively recent years, it is actually one of the oldest of the psychic sciences. In a sense, numbers form a language in themselves. Primitive tribes understand their meaning and communicate in terms of numbers. Among ancient alphabets, numerical values were ascribed or assigned to certain letters, giving them a special significance.


As one authority succinctly puts it:

Every number has a certain power which is not expressed by the figure or symbol employed to denote quantity only. This power rests in an occult connection between the relations of things and the principles in nature of which they are the expressions.”




The study of signatures as a key to individual traits is almost a study in itself, and is worthy of close attention. Often, a signature is more revealing than a paragraph of regular handwriting. This may seem surprising, considering its brevity, but the point is that a person puts more concentrated thought and effort into a signature than in ordinary writing.


Thus the signature becomes the individual’s trademark, so to speak. Many signatures have been traced through the years, showing how the signer has matured, implanting his personality more firmly in the final example, thus making a detailed analysis possible from comparatively trifling clues.


The usual rules of handwriting analysis can be applied to signatures where appropriate, but with certain modifications. Two of these are rather obvious. First, a signature is a formal piece of writing, and therefore may be somewhat stylized; second, a flourish may be added to give it individuality, or completion, much as an exclamation point might be put at the end of a sentence for emphasis!

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