Category Archives: TELEPATHY



About a century ago, experimenters introduced “mind reading” experiments which required physical contact between the demonstrator and a person serving as his subject. In simple form, such tests involved the finding of an object hidden in a place unknown to the demonstrator, but known to the subject, who in a sense mentally guided the demonstrator to his goal.

Skeptics soon argued that these demonstrations were not “mind reading” at all, but actually “muscle reading,” because the subject involuntarily exerted pressure on the demonstrator, thus pushing him along his way, or in some cases, restrained him. But as time went on the tests were greatly elaborated, and today skilled demonstrators of “contact teleplay” present experiments so complex that merely to term them “muscle reading” would be ridiculous.



There are two predominant factors in all forms of psychic science. One is “clairvoyance,” the ability to view the distant of unseen; the other is “precognition,” an awareness of the future. How consistently and how accurately these faculties can be demonstrated, has long been a matter of contention; but many skeptics who doubted the methods used in certain psychic sciences have been impressed by the results.

By that token, the correct reading of a horoscope, the interpretation of the lines of the palm, or the recognition of moods through facial expressions, could be due to clairvoyance or precognition on the part of a “gifted” demonstrator. The skeptics, having gone that far, tried to find a physical rather than a psychical explanation for such phenomena.

They decided that in a majority of cases, a clairvoyant gained thought impressions that were already in another person’s mind while a prophet frequently voiced someone’s unspoken hope or wish. Supporting this were many instances where a person had received a mental “Flash” from a distant friend. This was classed by Mark Twain and others as “mental telegraphy,” and students of the subject finally bundled it with other similar phenomena under the head of “TELEPATHY.”

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