Under Saturn, very little intelligence, premature death if a poor health line is indicated. Otherwise insanity.


Under Apollo, desire to obtain wealth in the easiest possible way. Often lighthearted, cheerful personality gifted for the theater or one of the arts.


Under Mercury, excellent manager in any field of endeavor.


On Upper Mars, fast thinking, presence of mind, ability or urge to fight for a cause.


Sloping to Luna, imaginative or creative, abiding by whatever occupational demands there may be. This could run the gamut from the housewife who wants her home to be model of good taste, to the musical composer or the author who demand the ultimate of themselves.


An abnormally long, straight head line that extends to the side of the palm, actually on the edge of the hand, denote selfishness, secretiveness, usually very demanding of others. It can be the result of fear. May possess an exceptionally brilliant intellect.


Curling up onto the mount area of Apollo or Mercury intensifies the qualities of those mounts.


A forked ending adds a marked degree of the imaginative of the Luna area and the common sense of the Upper Mars area, so there is tenacity of purpose, power, and ability to plan ahead. The larger the fork the stronger the aims.


A triple fork ending augurs a brilliant alliance, since the top most prong adds the talent of the practical business mind.


Ending on heart line, sacrifice everything for loved ones.


Head and heart lines as one in path of head line, cool and calculating.

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