The normal starting point of the line of head is identical with the start of the line of life. They should be joined together, just touching. This start is about midway between the thumb and forefinger. The head line then proceeds across the palm toward the outside of the hand. It should slope gently downward so that it does not exactly terminate on the area of Upper Mars, nor on Luna below it. The line should not extend to the edge of the palm. This is a good head line. It represents mental power, intellectuality, good memory.


Joined to the life line, it shows a cautious nature; the longer the join, the more caution.


Separated, a very spirited quality, a desire to forge ahead.


Widely separated, restlessness. Willing to take chances without sufficient thought to consequences.


The normal, average head line that is straight across the hand reaching under the area of Apollo or as far as Mercury shows mental balance and a good intellect. Naturally, it must be remembered that these interpretations are for normal hands with a strong thumb and good fingers. Any abnormal marking would contradict a good reading. A clear, firm line gives common sense. A thin, light line, indecision. A red line, aggressiveness, strong determination. A short line, need for outside assistance to achieve success. Very short, insufficient ambition or lacking the energy to fulfill any ambition. Double head line, unexpected inheritance; two or more interests. Branches that are small and descending, distractions that divert and lessen the ability to work or concentrate.


Ascending branches are good. To Jupiter, wealth; to Apollo intense interest in the arts; to Mercury, business acumen or a desire to benefit or aid fellow men.


Small lines or crossed formation that join the head line to the life line at the beginning of the lines, forced to earn a living contrary to early plans or desires. Delicate childhood, shyness.

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