
1. Determine the type of the hand by the shape of the fingers and palm. It will be one of five types. The square (orderly), the conical (inspirational), the spatulate (energetic), the pointed (idealistic), or mixed (adaptable).


2. Test flexibility and texture. Determine the angle of the thumb. Look for smooth or knotty finger joints. Type the fingernails. Note peculiarities.


3. Check the fingers for length. Long, for detail Short, for impulsiveness. Compare phalanges for irregularities in size and shape.


4. Examine the set of fingers, whether high, low, or normal. Check the slant of the fingers and the flat or cushioned appearance of each phalange.


5. Check the thumb for the same characteristics as the fingers. Compare the two thumbs. Note the differences.


a. Check every area of the palm for development, absence, or over-development. Decide which mounts are important. These determine the natural abilities and emotional background.


7. Note small markings not touching major lines. Evaluate the importance of the fingers directly connected with the developed mount areas.


8. Check the life, head, and heart lines for beginnings, terminations, breaks, frays, color, and special markings such as a cross or an island. Compare with the time chart to pinpoint the markings. Check for influence lines.


9. Check the fate lines the same way.


10. Look for secondary lines and analyze them carefully, especially for their relation to basic lines.


11. Check all the findings and weigh them cautiously, bearing in mind the difference between the subjective and the objective hand. If a person is right-handed, the left hand is called the subjective hand representing the natural talents and characteristics. The right hand is called the objective hand, showing how those talents and qualities have been developed or neglected.

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