As an interesting contrast, here is another name that has also survived as representative of its field of endeavor:

RICHARD A. CANFIELD. Born June 17, 1855.

Birth number: 6(6+1+7+1+8+5+5 = 33 = 6.)

9 9 3 8 1 9 4 1 3 1 5 6 9 5 3 4 Total:80=8 R I C H A R D A C A N F I E L D

9 1 1 1 9 5 Vowels: 26=8

Name number: 8

Name number(without middle initial): 7

Vowel Vibration: 8

Vowel Vibration(without middle initial): 7


The birth number 6 shows a reliable progressive nature seeking establishment, good will, and respect. As the greatest gambling operator of his day, Canfield patterned his career on that policy, attracting the most exclusive clientele and putting less scrupulous gamblers out of business.


The name number 8 is indicative of worldly success, plus a desire for private esteem, which Canfield gained from those persons who were not opposed to gambling. Here, his stress of the middle initial “A” is peculiarly appropriate. It may have been pure affectation on his part, to lend more “class” to his name; but in any case, from the standpoint of numerology it was sound indeed.


That name number 8, doubly emphasized by the underlying influence of the vowel vibration 8, raised his status from that of the gambler to the man of big business. The elegance of his establishments in New York and Saratoga, his careful, meticulous mode of operation, were marks of the merchandiser rather than the gambling proprietor.


But to those who opposed him and most of the public who read about him, he was Richard Canfield, whose name and vowel vibrations were both 7, the symbol of the successful gambler, for only 7 could express the intuition and imagination so necessary in that field.


However, this intriguing numerological study goes still further. To his close friends and great admirers, who included some persons of high importance, he was known as Dick Canfield. To posterity, he has become simply Canfield, a name synonymous with “gambler” just as Barnum stands for showman.” In Barnum’s case, dropping the initials P. T. made no difference in the name number and the vowel vibration. The same applies to Canfield, with or without the nickname Dick.


In CANFIELD, the letters total 36, which reduces to 9, while the vowels total 15, which reduces to 6. Numerologically this signifies that the name number 9 represented high achievement in a chosen field, regardless of moral issues involved. This is highly significant phase of 9, which may lead either to fame or infamy.


The vowel vibration 6 shows a reversion to the type expressed by the birth number 6, and Canfield’s later career fulfills this conservative desire for establishment and recognition as a community figure. His gambling career over, he became an art connoisseur and a manufacturer, while his famous casino at Saratoga was turned into a historic landmark.

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