MARK TWAIN. Born November 30, 1835.

Birth number:4(1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 3 + 5 = 22. 2 + 2 = 4.).

Higher vibration: 22.

Original Name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

1 1 4 3 5 3 3 1 5 7 8 6 9 5 5 3 3 5 4 5 5 1


1 3 5 1 6 5 5 5

Tota1:92 = 11 = 2, Vowels: 31 = 4.

Name number: 2. Higher vibration: 11.

Vowel vibration: 4. Frequency numbers: 5; also 3 and 1.


The birth number 4 shows the plodding nature that characterized Mark Twain from boyhood up. Despite his varied interests, his fame as a humorist, he was a hard worker who found life a grim struggle. Always, when faced with difficulties, it was through hard work that he won out.


The higher vibration of 22 played a hand in this, however. It shows the eccentricity of genius, the touch of mysticism in their budding forms. With the birth number, these are usually slight and sometimes unnoticeable, but in this case they are more marked, because:


The name number 2 not only injected indecision into the drudgery of the birth number 4; it also brought out a higher vibration of 11, which coupled initiative to imagination, yet could not overcome the peculiar practicality of that birth member 4 with its overtone of 22.


The vowel vibration 4 only stressed the plodding traits of the youthful Mark Twain, keeping him within the bounds of boyhood surroundings, which he peopled with fantastic dreams that ignored all outward things except the river steamboats that plodded the Mississippi in the true methodical style of number 4.


The frequency number 5 added a desire for adventure; and the noticeable frequency of 3 showed versatility, while there was enough frequency of 1 to supply immediate purpose.


In short, from the standpoint of numerology, it was inevitable that a youth with such complex vibrations fraught with both overtones and undertones would take the short way out of his drab surroundings and seek adventure and importance in the most practical form. Mark Twain did that. He became a river pilot.


How Mark Twain happened to persist in that endeavor, as well as later efforts as a prospector and then a journalist, might seem puzzling in the light of his original name. But by the time he took to the river, he had shortened it to Samuel L. Clemens. That adds up to:


1 1 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 5 1 TotaI:46=10=1. S A M U E L L C L E M E N S

1 3 5 5 5 Vowels: 19=10=1.

Name number: 1 ( development).

Vowel vibration: 1.

Frequency numbers: 3 and 5.


Here is a combination of drive and purpose that is hard to match. The name number 1, backed with the vowel vibration 1, could certainly goad the natural plodder (4) and eccentric dreamer (22) into action that would not be natural to such a birth number. Note, too, that the frequency of 3, with its versatility, now tops the adventurous 5, though the latter is still an apparent factor.


Without the middle initial (L) the name SAMUEL CLEMENS adds up to 43, which gives the name number of 7. This would be even stronger in its urge, since the river and all the distant scenes it offered would touch on the mysterious and the desire for knowledge. But the vowel vibration would still have been number 1, providing the incentive, with 3 and 5 balanced as frequency numbers, showing skill and longing for adventure.


Whether Mark Twain used the middle initial of Samuel L. Clemens at that time is a mystery in itself; but it works out either way. It is certain, however, that he became more simply known as SAM CLEMENS during his pilot and prospector days. This produces another set of vibrations:


1 1 4 3 3 5 4 5 5 1 Total: 32 = 5.


1 5 5 Vowels: 11 = 2.

Name number: 5 (development).

Vowel vibration: 2.

Higher vibration: 11

Frequency numbers: 1 and 3.


All tie uncertainty of this period of Mark Twain’s life is reflected by the name number 5. It also represented a time of indecision, as represented by the vowel vibration 2. He had plenty of initiative, shown by the higher vibration 11, with unrecognized genius. The frequency number of 1 was enough to spur him to new fields, where he showed the talent indicated by frequency 3. But these were not enough to help.


The great stroke came when he changed his name to:

4 1 9 2 2 5 l 9 5 Tota1:38=11=2.


1 1 9 Vowel vibration: 11= 2.

Name number: 2 (attainment).

Vowel vibration: 2.

Higher vibration: 11.


Originally, the birth number 4, with its higher number 22, had responded to the name number of 2, with higher 11, but the vowel vibration of 4 had been a drag. The changes, too, had disadvantages, but the final choice proved different.


The name MARK TWAIN provided a dual Vibration of the number 2, each with a higher 11. It proved the perfect balance Whichever way the balance went, determination and inspiration went with it. The birth number 4, with its higher 22, turned all this into solid, painstaking effort that found its outlet in new and productive fields. From beginnings that seemed shaped to prosaic routine or scattered misadventure, Mark Twain scaled undreamed heights as an author, lecturer, and humorist. He had the ability to concentrate a double 11 into 22; and it added up to fame just as simply as the fact that 2 + 2 = 4.


This analysis of the vibratory influences in the career of Mark Twain has been treated in detail because it illustrates so many numerological points, particularly the importance of a name and what may result when it is changed. In contrast, however, there is the case of a later humorist, almost the modern prototype of Mark Twain, whose numerological chart is simply analysed:

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