
Close study of the letters in a specimen of handwriting will show that they conform to one of the following patterns:


EXACT LETTERS, all the same size, show a person who is extremely conscientious, following every instruction to the last degree, never neglecting even the slightest duty.

IRREGULAR LETTERS, changing from large to small, are a sure sign of a fickle mind, a person who will take whatever course seems most convenient. At the same time, such people are often clever. Being somewhat irresponsible, they are ready to try new things at which they often prove capable.

SMALL TO LARGE LETTERS, when they appear, show a restrained quality, eager to express itself. Such people are eager to work their way up, and feel that success can only be gained through honest effort.

LARGE TO SMALL LETTERS represent tactfullness, a good listener, someone who makes friends easily, then profits through such connections but always in a fair way. Some of our keenest minds reveal their traits through this style of writing.



Here is another case of two extremes in individual letters, the “open” and “shut” seen mostly in such letters as “a” and “o”.

The interpretation of these two extremes is almost obvious: The open style shows a frank and outspoken nature with an open mind toward everything, often to the extreme of thoughtlessness.


In opposition, the closed style indicates a closed mind, a person who is secretive and opinionated, although very capable of keeping such facts to himself, so that often his secretive ways are not suspected.

An open and shut style incorporates both these features and shows a cordial, considerate nature, usually tempered with discretion. It can also show a somewhat uncertain disposition, trusting in some ways, suspicious in others.


In all such analysis, the degree of the “open” or “shut” letters has a definite importance. If very slight, the personality trends are apt to be less marked. In such cases, “open” and “shut” letters are apt to nullify each other, if found in the same handwriting.

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