
Three methods of telling fortunes by cards are given here. In each instance the interpretations of the cards follow those give the preceding tables. Sample interpretations are included.




The seven triplets are also called the “Seven sisters” or the “Seven fates.” This system requires twenty-one cards from a shuffled pack of a full fifty two. After the shuffle, the pack should be cut into three heaps by the consultant, who, for some ceremonial reason, should always do this with his or her left hand.


Three cards are then dealt face up, one from each heap, forming a cluster. This is followed by a deal of three more and so on, until seven heaps have been dealt in all. Each of the heaps is then interpreted according to the cards that compose it. The center card of each group (the one coming from the middle heap) is the focal card about which the prediction is centered. The triplets illustration shows a typical example. Follow it closely and note the interpretations.


Interpretation of the cards:


1. For a male constant: An influential friend or partner (K H) will advise you regarding a business venture which will prove successful (5 D) only after considerable argument that may break up your marriage – if an early one (6 D).


For a female consultant: Avoid the unwise advice of a well-meaning man (K H) regarding your marriage. Your future hopes are great, both for yourself and your children ( 5 D ), provided you do not let your marriage-particularly an early one-be disturbed (6 D).


2. For a male consultant: Curb your tendency to gamble  (7 D), as it will result in utter disaster, including the loss of any legacy you receive(A S), and will force you into a marriage for money(5 C).


For a female consultant: Don’t take chances with the man you love (7 D). You may lose him and your money as well (A S), leaving you no choice but poverty or a marriage for money instead of love (5 C).


3. For a male consultant: You will lose the one you love to a rival (K C), as you have the worst possible card in the pack (9 S)—with spades doubled (9 S + 3 S)!


For a female consultant: Confide your troubles of love and marriage to an old family friend, who is the only person able to help you reclaim anything from what is sure to be disaster.


4. For a male consultant: You have many friends whose eagerness for your success will offset the unfair business practices of a dangerous competitor who will call in an equally ruthless man to aid him.


For a female consultant: Be warned by your many friends against a man who will try to cover up for a deceitful lover or a faithless husband.


5. For either consultant: You can depend on your friends-or one friend in particular—to show you the road to opportunity. You may have to travel far to get it, but good news may already be on the way and you can look forward to a great celebration.


6. For either consultant: Do not worry about a trifling misfortune or slight illness. A good friend will solve your problems, thus terminating all your indecision.


7. For either consultant: You are easily imposed upon and this will lead to unhappiness and quarrels either with business associates or at home. A fortunate turn of events will resolve the issue and ultimate success and happiness will be yours.

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