Ruler of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius


Gloom and Saturn are synonymous, but do not let that deceive or discourage you! Far from being baleful, the Saturn influence is scholarly and scientific, made to order for the Atomic Age into which the modern world has been precipitated.


With its urge for knowledge, the Saturnian nature cultivates other desirable qualities. Such people are patient, serious, and reserved in manner. They often remain calm under stress, depending upon their training and intelligence to carry them through. They are sticklers for punctuality and accuracy; and they are usually quite thrifty. These are the positive aspects, but they are innate, rather than active.


Therein lies a weakness. When the Saturn influence impels someone to “get up and go,” they too often turn the wrong way. Or, in another sense, they simply accentuate their normally passive inclinations to the point where they become unbearable, not only to others but to themselves.


Constant study can cause Saturnians to draw themselves apart from the world. Patience can lead to procrastination. Seriousness can make them skeptical; their reserve may become a form of mistrust. Their thrifty ways may turn stingy; and they may resort to deceit to protect their interests. All this can add up to the moodiest of natures.


These aspects, though negative in result, are in a real sense positive Saturnian expressions. Hence this is one influence that must be curbed, not merely tempered, in order to meet life’s challenge. It is either that? or the choice of an ascetic or sheltered existence, where the Saturnian urge for knowledge, research, and service can be developed without emotional conflict.


Since every Saturnian has other planetary influences, those should be developed along constructive lines, thus utilizing the intellect and serious side of Saturn to full advantage. All speculations and risks should be avoided where Saturn is involved, for the result may be an outright waste of both talent and resources.


Physically, Saturnians are often tall, but they are inclined to be thin, with high foreheads and long jaws. Some are imposing in appearance, but outwardly they may show the result of inner conflict. A hollow countenance, stooped shoulders, and lack of response are typically Saturnian.

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