
This is an extension of “picking the object.” It does
not stop at that point; instead, the demonstrator must do something with the object, as agreed upon by the group beforehand. For example, he might be “willed” to pick up a box of candy, open it, and offer some to specific Persons present.

Here, again, he will sense a restraint if he starts to do the wrong action; and will get the “go-ahead” if he is right. Oddly, he gets a sense of completion or incompletion during this procedure. How that can be written off as “muscle reading” is hard to say. There is no “push” or “pull,” but just a tension or relaxation, that will often cause the demonstrator to look up
triumphantly, knowing his job is done.

Even when beginners fail, these tests can prove impressive. In one case, a person was “willed” to pick up a pack of cigarettes — which was not his own brand — and take out a cigarette and light it with a pack of matches from another table.

After the person acting as transmitter had led him around the room a few times, the inexperienced demonstrator gave up, saying he was too nervous to proceed. He slumped into a chair for a few moments, then walked over and picked up the very pack of cigarettes that everyone had in mind. He took out a cigarette, lighted it with a match from the pack on the other table, looked about the group, and asked, earnestly:

Tell me, just what was it I was supposed to do?”

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