
Viewed from the side, the head may show unusual height, or lowness, in contrast to its length or shortness from the nose to the back of the head. Ears also enter into such observations, but since their placement is governed largely by the shape of the head, they will be considered only in terms of their own shape and size.


is one that is both high and long in proportion to the average for a person of a given stature. It shows vision and ambition, usually of a high nature. Frontal development shows a desire for personal achievement; development at the back of the head tends more toward tradition or devotion to a cause.


both low and short proportionately, denotes the person who lives chiefly for today and wants quick results rather than long-range returns.

From these contrasts, it is easy to define the components: A high head shows aspiration and formalities; a low head, a person who deals only in tangibles. A long head reveals foresight with retentive ability needed in long-range planning. A short head makes the most out of every opportunity and prefers new things which can be discarded once they have served their purpose.


If large, they indicate a person who hears much and uses it to advantage, for this is an intellectual sign, though the wisdom acquired may be worldly rather than altruistic. Small ears, in contrast, show the person who lives by instinct rather than intellect. If tall, the ear denotes a person who may be keen but impractical; while a wide ear is just the opposite, showing natural capability, even though limited. If pointed, it shows an artful person, sometimes with a conniving mind.

Large lobes, complete in themselves, show an independent nature. Strength of purpose is evident, but if overlarge, such lobes may denote a crude nature. Small lobes, less fully formed, show a more dependent individual, who relies upon skill rather than initiative, and may be handicapped by a restricted viewpoint. Lack of lobes, where the lobe is simply a portion of the ear itself, shows an unresponsive disposition, sometimes denoting persons who are capable but not purposeful.

When set close to the head, the ears show a person who is generally satisfied with things as they are, a careful planner, who saves for the future. Extended ears show a wider range of action, with emphasis on new and original ideas. Here, a rear new of the head, rather than a side view, is needed to observe these striking extremes.

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