
These represent an important branch of physiognomy, especially when studied from the profile. In the early days, faces were often likened to those of birds and animals, with any resemblances being classed as corresponding attributes. Thus a leonine expression would mean greatness and majesty, a fox-like face would denote cunning; and so on.

This has been supplanted by a form of profile study which can be covered with three over-all types: the convex, the plane, and the concave. These are sometimes seen in their complete form; but more often, there is some mingling of the component parts, so a person may have a plane forehead, a convex nose, a concave chin.

The simplest way to study profiles is to take each in turn, giving its full significance, then defining each part in brief. From this, it is possible to compose a complete list of profile traits for each individual.

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