
Though comparatively few faces conform exactly to the round, triangular, and square shapes, many approximate them sufficiently to be classed in a specific category. An oval face may be regarded as round; a face is triangular if it narrows to the chin, though it is not actually pointed, while a strongly oblong face belongs in the square type.

By picturing each visage in a frame of one of the shapes just described, over-all judgment may be made, with further analysis depending on a study of other features. But there are composite faces that show two shapes, or leave doubt as to their exact type. These should be modified accordingly. THE ROUND-TRIANGULAR

Wide at the temples, sloping inwardly, then rounding widely at jowls and chin. This shows mentality of the triangular type, tempered by the commercial sense of the round. Judgment is not always a strong factor, however. This blend indicates optimism, because of the many ideas coupled with self-confidence. The result may be complacency or indulgence, with a lack of action.

Where the upper face is rounded, with the chin coming to a strong triangular point, the calculating nature of the round type is more apt to be the dominating factor. Here, ingenuity is often keener than intellect, and quick thinking may supplant deeper thought. A good combination in the handling of business details. THE TRIANGULAR-SQUARE

Wide at the temples, narrowing downward, but terminating in a strongly squarish jaw. This shows the person who has ideas and puts them into action. An excellent blend, much like the square type, but less impetuous. Versatility is apparent here, showing a person who may have many interests, with the ability to choose the best.

A squarish face with strongly pointed chin shows a trend toward impulsive action, with quick thinking as a followed. Such persons profit by experience and gauge their future actions accordingly. Many inventive and scientific minds are found in the triangular-square category. THE SQUARE-ROUND

Such a blend starts straight down from the temples, with a definite widening and rounding toward the jaws and chin. If simply straight, with a noticeable curve, if must be regarded as either a square or a square-triangular type, for the rounding must be truly apparent to count.

This shows an active nature, with good business ability. It has a jolly, happy-go-lucky trend, but also a definite self-interest. The rounder, wider, and therefore the more bilbous the lower portion of the face, the more self-centered this type can become.

A typically round face ending in a square jaw comes in the same general category, but this type shows a more indulgent, easygoing nature, sparked by occasional periods of action and a definite trend toward firm though somewhat opinionated decisions.

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