
When viewed full-front, the entire face, from top of forehead down to chin, conforms to one of three basic types or their Composites.

The basic types are:


Almost completely circular, this is the easygoing type that likes comfort, luxury, and good times. Sometimes the round face is elongated, but if the curve is continuous, it means the same. However, a person of this type seldom becomes lazy or indolent except when he can afford it.

They are usually good bargainers and capable in business, because their aim is wealth and ease. They are convivial and make many friends, which is also helpful to their worldly progress. They accept losses as something to be anticipated and usually find ways to make up for them. These people make it a habit to come out ahead.

Though people of this type may be indulgent both to themselves and their friends, they have a strong sense of values, which is often accompanied by sound judgment, a combination that spells success. They have keen insight into the abilities of other persons, which makes them good middlemen in many transactions. Their sense of justice enables them to recognize another person’s needs and desires without overlooking their own. Balancing of one purpose against another is one of their fortes. They are good advisers and know how to settle issues to the satisfaction of all.

Men of this type show a quiet confidence and rise to high positions in business and social life, but usually with very little fanfares.

They are apt to sit back and let others take the credit while they reap their own share of the profit and establish themselves still more strongly.

Women of this type are good homemakers and will devote much of their time to their family and friends. Their chief problem is that they may become oversatisfied with such limited surroundings. Often, if they hold jobs — and they are usually capable of many kinds — they will find wider opportunities for development of their abilities.

Children of this type are amiable and helpful, but must be urged or otherwise induced to enter into activities and take up outside interests. Otherwise, they may grow up in their own little world and quietly take on a self-importance that may brig them trouble later. Whatever they get, they will want more, so they should be trained to appreciate whatever they receive.

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