
Sometimes termed the perfect faculties, these are variously grouped, but are located in the region of the temples and are evidenced in toto with heads that are well developed in that area.

22. Constructiveness: Frequently classified as a mere propensity, this is the mark of mechanical ability which may be largely an instinctive trait. When developed, however it may show inventive genius and skills in design and engineering. Excessive development shows a trend toward the impractical, a love of gadgetry for its own sake. Deficiency is sometimes accompanied by a total lack of mechanical ability.

23. Ideality: Developed, this indicates the artistic sense, a love of beauty and perfection. It also symbolizes the truly poetic. Excessive development shows an over-aesthetic nature, with a dislike for practical things. Deficiency is the mark of vulgarity and poor taste.

24. Sublimity: Developed a love of nature’s grandeur and the great creations of human art. Excessive development shows an extravagant nature given to exaggeration. Deficiency, an indifference to anything of a highly inspiring sort.

25. Imitation: Developed, this shows a flare for drama, acquired skills, and social graces. Excessive development denotes outright imitation, with no individuality. Deficiency marks a lack of capability, an inept nature.

26. Mirthfullness: Also listed as wit, this faculty, when developed, shows a cheerful, vivacious individual with a humorous disposition. Excessive development, the practical joker, given to ridicule. Deficiency shows a serious nature, unable to enjoy fun.

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