Ending on the area of Apollo but close to the Mercury area which is beneath the little finger—materialistic attitude regarding every aspect pertaining to career. Contracts, costs, and profits must be thoroughly considered before any performance or occupational venture. Lucky the artist or practitioner who has this business acumen.

Slanting closer to the Saturn area under the second finger—seriousness governs any decision. Whatever the chances of luck and the promise of great success, this slanting line means that a lot of thought is given to any project to protect one’s reputation.

A forked ending—more than one talent and probably capable of using both.

A triple forked ending—very unusual, but a remarkable ability to attain both fame and wealth. The carefulness of Saturn and the shrewd business instinct of Mercury give permanence to the great talent of Apollo.

Terminating at the heart line – often due to marriage or a sufficiency of an amassed fortune.

Modifying lines connected to other lines partake of the meaning of those lines. For instance, a line leaving the Apollo line and touching or crossing the line of life will indicate some interference from relatives. It would affect the finances also.

A line joining Apollo and fate (Saturn) lines — partnership.

A small line leaving the Apollo line and touching the heart line – a happy love affair that might resolve in marriage.

Is same little line cutting through the heart line – a love affair that was broken or ends unhappily.

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