Monthly Archives: May 2014



If you gamble in your dreams you are likely to be trusting to luck in everyday life. If you lose in the dream you will lose a friend.


Playing a game means attainment of ambition. If your are losing, expect obstacles. Observing games, expect contentment.

See Sports for outdoor games.


If you dream that you are being robbed or attacked by a gang or gangster or burglar who is armed, it is a symbol of passion, a desire for a sex episode or union. It is a timely fear when the news is rampant with vandalism and hoodlum wars.



Falling, in a dream, is a very familiar sensation to everyone. It is a symbol of fear. It may be a violation of the moral code, which, to women, is disastrous. Falling may also mean failure in your work or in the management of your home. It is not an encouraging dream.


A pretty fan reveals vanity and a desire for frivolity. It also predicts good news for the dreamer. An old fan, rivalry.


To dream of a farm is a desire for security. The idea of independence because of the abundance that a farm is supposed to produce is latent in the dreamer’s mind. It can also express a desire for solitude and peace of mind.


Dreaming of your father indicates some difficulty is bothering you. To a child, the father is a symbol of wisdom and power, so in later years it is not unusual for the mind to revert to the father in times of stress. It is natural to dream of members of the family. Sometimes the dreams express resentment actually unknown to the dreamer while awake. If you dream of killing your father, it signifies repression and a desire to be noticed.

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