Category Archives: PALMISTRY


The line of Apollo has numerous alternate names, needy, the fortune line, title of luck, line of the Sun, solar line, second fate line, line of brilliance, line of success. All are indicative of the ultimate significance of the line itself.

The line of Apollo augments the line of Saturn, when present, and supplants it when absent. If you have both you are fortunate. This line adds brilliance and strength to an exceptional talent.

Absence of this line does not mean failure, nor a dull, uninteresting life. It means that the struggle for success may be harder, and so-called luck will be the results that accrue from laborious work and untiring effort.

The normal starting point for the line of Apollo is near the first line of the rascette on the wrist, and proceeds in a straight line to the area under the third finger, known as the mount of Apollo. It denotes generally a quick thinker and a promise of great popularity, even fame. Wealth usually follows.


Small cutting lines — impediments.

Island — financial losses.

Breaks of any kind, anywhere on the line — a change of surroundings, home, occupation, one or all. A parallel line beside the break is good because it means the loss is temporary. A square may avert the change or disaster.

Wavy or chained — variable, quarrelsome nature.

Very red — avoid situations that arouse wrath.

Very deep and red — overwork, taking on too much responsibility that can end in a nervous ailment.

Frayed in any part — caution to take care of health.

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