Category Archives: PALMISTRY


One or more dots on a line, detrimental defect or illness.


A bar is a little short line that crosses a major line. This is a warning of a serious interference.


A small cross on a line, an unfortunate sign that interferes with health, happiness, or occupation.


A star consists of several little cross lines. It marks something extremely unusual, depending upon the placement. Usually some degree of shock or unexpected change is connected with it.


A circle, temporary illness. Very rare.


A triangle, ingenuity, quick perception during stress. An excellent mark alone or formed with other major lines.


A square or rectangle can be closed, open, or irregular in formation. On a line it is always a good sign of protection. Often found where a major line is broken.


A line should be continuously, clearly traced, without variance of form or color. It should be medium in depth and width. Color, pinkish or medium pink.


Red lines show impetuosity, unrestrained emotions.

Very dark lines, vindictiveness, jealousy. Light-colored lines, indecision, inertia.

Deep lines, intensity, determined.

Wide lines, overactive.

Very fine lines, lack of physical strength. Few lines, able to work without worry.

Many lines, many interests, often harassed by worries and conflicts.

A frayed line has many little lines emanating from it. This weakens the value of the main line.

A chained line, periods of illness.

A broken line, a change.

A forked line has a fork at the beginning or the end. It draws help from the mount areas wherever the forked ends touch.

A split line shows a weakening influence. This is not to be confused with an island formation.

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