Category Archives: BASIC LINES


This line runs parallel to and just inside the line of life. It is a sister line and serves as a strengthener to a weak or broken life line. To a strong life line it adds unusual physical stamina. It often appears as a short or fragmentary line which acts as a forceful reserve when most needed.

A short line – aids physically when nervous pressure or strain seems unbearable. Unusually brave.

A very long line – extraordinarily active life, possibly ending far from birthplace. This line is often found in strong hands like the military or police.

A branch ending in the Luna area — brutal, intemperate.

A star on this branch — lack of self-control.

Forked ending — violent, vicious disposition.

If the line appears only in the left hand – imaginative or psychic trends.


The line of Mercury is also known as the line of health, the line of liver, or the hepatica line.

The normal starting point is from the wrist just above the rascette, then in a straight line to the area of Mercury, under the little finger. Its best form is a solid line. It represent abundance of health and success in one’s chosen occupation.

Starting from the line of life — digestive ailments.

Beginning in the area of Luna — restlessness, desire to travel, do anything other than the immediate occupation.

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