A study of the Individual significances of each card shows that those of certain suits bear a marked affinity—whether for good or bad.


This is something that must be remembered when interpreting cards in groups. If any card is flanked by two of a certain suit—or if any suit predominates the layout—a special significance results.


Ire brief, this interpretation of an individua1 card, or the whole mood of consultation, must be tempered accordingly. These general significances are:


HEARTS: These are a complete symbol. They show a full, wholehearted nature, but with it a strong emotional force. Therefore hearts point to high success. They Indicate an integrity that will nullify evil; they soften most adverse signs – except where love and close friendship are concerned. There, hearts are a symbol of grief and suffering under strenuous conditions.


CLUBS: These symbolize friendship. They indicate the importance of influence. With good cards, clubs are reminders that friends must be kept to insure success. With bad cards—as in business—they signify that friends may help to overcome obstacles. Where the cards portend very bad luck, however, clubs may mean that friends will desert the consultant when things go wrong—so be warned!


DIAMONDS: These indicate the practical side of life—including money. Diamonds represent difficulties. They also stand for halfway achievements that require something more to complete them.


Thus, diamonds flanking a success card may mean that money will be needed to insure that success. Or they can point to friction such as success in business where there is danger of serious competition.


They may mean lawsuits, temporary reverses, many other things that will interfere with success. On the contrary, diamonds sometimes soften the significance of bad cards by indicating that money-or wealth—if obtainable, can conquer that adversity that those cards indicate.


SPADES: Far from berg bad card, spades are often warning tokens signifying hazards or misfortunes which, by that very fact, may give the consultant a chance to counteract them. When spades appear they betoken bad luck, interference, and losses generally, so no matter how good a card may be, don’t expect too much.


Where certain cards signify enemies, business problems, or other troubles, count on them as being doubled when spades are around. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and that is half the battle!

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