The Sun has a strengthening and often beneficent influence on the planets governing each sign, often promising high achievement in fields to which the individual is most suited, but at the same time producing a great intensity which may lead to over-effort.


In Aries, the Sun, combined with Mars, develops the drive found in this sign, urging the individual to great achievements. It also intensifies his ideas of right and wrong, often resulting in a crusading spirit that goes beyond normal bounds and defeats its own interests.


In Taurus, the Sun, combined with Venus, adds great warmth to an already friendly nature. It increases the natural strength of this sign, tempering it with honesty and self-control.


In Gemini the Sun develops the favorable side of Mercury, adding power of concentration and generally inducing the native of Gemini to turn his versatility to good use. Great eloquence and striking personality may result from this combination.


In Cancer, the Sun and the Moon produce a highly variable combination of brilliancy and restlessness. The Sun curbs the imaginative disposition of this period and generally strengthens any good traits.


In Leo, the Sun doubles its power, as this is its own sign. A very fortunate period, with good traits predominant, but sometimes subject to over-zeal. Early brilliancy may fail to mature, though fame is often attained.


In Virgo, the Sun combined we Mercury puts power of analysis to good use, with great results if applied to important aims. Wasted talent may result through trivial detail and too much self-pride.


In Libra, the Sun steadies the temperamental side of Venus, making these the most likable of people, stressing their fair judgment and providing originality. Overconfidence may produce strongly formed opinions, which often should be avoided.


In Scorpio, the Sun with Mars produces dignity and adds exuberance to the natural energy and determination of this sign. It promises great success but tends toward arrogance.


In Capricorn, the Sun modifies the gloom of Saturn, lessening the self-conscious factors of this sign and strengthening its self-reliance. It also turns the propensity for knowledge toward high attainment


In Sagittarius, the Sun adds brilliance to the magnetism of Jupiter, making this fiery sign powerful but over-forceful.


In Aquarius, the Sun again stimulates Saturn, causing persons of this sign to rise from obscurity and develop high-minded purposes and strong character. Honesty and popularity are furthered by this combination.


In Pisces, the Sun combined with Jupiter promises fame and fortune as well as happiness. The Sun develops all the fine but latent qualities of Pisces. The reliability found in Pisces can lead to great honor through the powerful influence of the Sun. In all, this is one of the finest combinations.

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