
October 23 — November 21

Here is the sign of bold enterprise, a fearless nature guided by self-control and confidence, but geared for action when the time demands. The governing planet, Mars, provides the power with which this sign is paced denoting the will to surmount all obstacles.


Theodore Roosevelt, who was born under Scorpio, once quoted the adage, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” That aptly sums the characteristics of this sign. Scorpio people are quiet, even secretive in manner, yet highly observant. Once roused to action, they are determined, aggressive, and dominant, always ready to champion a cause.


When they work for the good of others, they rise to great heights and are much respected, but Scorpio people, always well-satisfied with themselves, can become domineering and arrogant. When seeking reform, they show little mercy toward those who oppose them, and it is not uncommon for Scorpio folks to stretch a point and justify their actions regardless of honest opposition.


If Scorpio folks apply their forceful determination solely to making money, particularly in fields which have no regard for human welfare, their fine traits will give way to selfishness, petty jealousy, and even ruthless action. Once they think only of material gain, they lose their natural sympathies along with their dignity and self-control.


Scorpio people are blunt, argumentative, and natural fighters, but their coolness under fire deceives the opposition and adds to the Scorpio strength. Always, in the showdown, Scorpio is apt to have the upper hand. That is why they should control their tempers as well as their actions.


Added up, this means that Scorpio people should develop their talents and take an interest in the better things of life. They should never let their remarkable capability for calm deliberation degenerate into procrastination. They should direct their interests toward the benefit of humanity, remembering that their ability to overcome obstacles will enable them to attain any goal; therefore, the finer their purpose, the greater the ambition that they can achieve.


In business, a pwerful Scorpio personality can succeed in practically any line. They range from managers of branch offices to the head of a great industry. They have the greatest of opportunities in the expanding world of today, for as heads of bureaus, committees, and other investigative groups, no other sign can begin to equal them. Scorpio is the sign of the future, a fact that should not be forgotten. Professionally, all those born under Scorpio frequently become great physicians.


In partnership, Scorpio’s best choice is Libra, for the bold projects of the Scorpio mind will be weighed and certified by Libra’s judgment. Scorpio sometimes does well with Sagittarius, if they can agree upon their policy. Each has the quality needed by the other, if they can solve the question of togetherness. Virgo, Taurus, and Cancer do well with Scorpio, if needed. Always remember that Scorpio can do quite well alone.


In marriage, Scorpio finds three strong choices: Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces. Scorpio’s crusading spirit is admirably seconded by Taurus. The Scorpio boldness carries along the wavering Cancer disposition, and brings the strong points of Pisces to the fore. Scorpio may also find a harmonious marriage with Virgo; while Scorpio’s power and Leo’s exuberance may prove a satisfactory marital Combination. The success of such unions, however, depends greatly upon the individuals involved.

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